Our Collection
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Burble burble burble
Forum Heading 1
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Forum Heading 2
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At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Band night on 7th June: In celebration of World Lindy Hop day (and Frankie Manning's birthday) we are running a special offer for our Tuesday night class on the 7th June. Each dancer who has paid for the class can bring along one non-dancer along for free to try out lindy hop!
We'll also have live music with the wonderful Nina Waits For No Man that night so it will be a great opportunity to get a brilliant taste of our social events as well.
Free entry for non-dancers applies before 7.30pm to join the class and they can stay for the whole night. Only one free entry per paying attendee. Non-dancer here means haven't danced swing before (or for aaaaages) so bring along your folk friend or salsa pal and show them the joys of swing!
Lets test all the headings:
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We're using "Heading 6" in a Container as image captions. 60% opacity.
Class for all levels
Blue Social Dancing
Lindy / Shag Beginner classes​
Social Dancing
Beginner class
Intermediate class
All level​ classes
Balboa Social Dancing
After the success of our outdoor solo dance sessions, we are continuing by moving indoors due to the nights creeping in and weather becoming less reliable. To keep everyone safe please follow our Covid-19 rules.
*There will be no on the day walk in spaces.*
The two sessions will be THE SAME.
So please sign up for only ONE of the sessions.
7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
9:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Cost: £8
Payment via Paypal after a successful registration
**Please do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been told to isolate**
Join us!
A socially distanced chance to grab your swing dancing fix and support the scene
Our solo classes will vary each week, you might; learn a routine, learn some solo moves, try something blues related or trial some ideas for creativity and musicality, the possibilities are endless so keep your eyes peeled for the teacher's lesson blurb.
In order to register you must:
Fill in an registration form (see above)
Agree to Code of Conduct
Pay invoice
Inform committee if you feel you should have a specific risk assessment for your needs due to covid-19 risks.
Please follow these rules:
Please arrive wearing a FACE COVERING and only remove when you are in your designated space. Face covering to be worn when moving around the venue (i.e toilets)
HAND SANITIZER is available to use before and after session
Please make sure you are SOCIAL DISTANCING from others, including committee member you are signing in with. You must sign in before taking part in the class, there may be a queue.
Please DO NOT HANG AROUND BEFORE OR AFTER THE CLASS it is essential that the rule of 6 is followed in order for us to remain safe and to continue to provide these sessions.
If you attend the first session PLEASE LEAVE THE HALL PROMPTLY so we can ventilate the room before the next class.
Updated docs:
@ Parker's Piece
Join us!
Starting from the 6th April, we'll be hosting solo jazz lessons at Parker's Piece.
Start time varies each week (check Facebook)
Cost: £8
**Please do not attend if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been told to isolate**
You can book classes a few weeks in advance, so keep an eye on the website as classes get added
First come first serve; 30 person limit
With the evenings getting longer, the start time will very each week throughout April. Do check back on our Facebook or on the newsletter to find out each week's start time.
Here you'll find our Booking Terms & Conditions
In order to register you must:
Book online and pay in advance
Agree to code of conduct
Inform committee if you feel you should have a specific risk assessment for your needs due to COVID-19 risks.
*There will be no on the day walk in spaces.*