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The Talent

Larissa and Heiko

Larissa and Heiko have been dancing and teaching together for more than a decade. They love to spread the joy of swing dancing in their local dance school Basel Jitterbugs and all around Europe. Both dance various swing dance styles and mix them based on the tempo and energy of the music. In class they share their immense passion for swing dancing to help you grow as a swing dancer and develop your own voice on the dance floor. You might have seen them in the teachers' line up of many festivals like Barcelona Shag Festival or Swing Paradise. They are also the hosts of their own Festival Jitterbugs Delight in Basel.

Amy and Alex



DJ Viv

DJ Viv started as a local DJ to push the Darmstadt Shag scene. A Long-Time passionate and festival tested shag dancer herself, her heart begins to race in delight when the music quickens. She has been collecting music since COVID lockdown and cannot wait to play some really fast tunes she has been saving for the right opportunity. 


Starting with a little Jive at five, she'll have you scratching circles on the dance floor in your blue suede shoes.  

Good music, especially the new swing classics, has always got a home in her DJ sets. So come shake, rattle & roll to a mix of styles before flying home.

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