CLX Timetable
Check the Facebook event for live announcements, or join the event's WhatsApp group (QR code on the front desk or in your welcome email)
Friday Night
"Represent your Scene"
Wear your scene's stash (or just whatever you like).
7 pm - midnight
Saturday morning
​If you're awake at 9 am, there's a 5 km parkrun on Storey's Field, right behind our main venue.
You can walk, jog or run: parkrun is open to all. Wear a swing dance shirt so we can find each other for coffee and cake after. Don't forget your barcode!
8:45 am for a 9 am-ish start
Saturday daytime
Socialising, board games, taster classes and a musical jam session.
11 am - 4:30 pm
@St Paul's Church, Hills Road
Old school hip hop with Marius
Aerials with Bruce and Jane
Blues taster
Burlesque with Jo​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Saturday Night
Welcome to​​
Bumpy Roof Band
Come dressed according to our theme! (But don't worry if costumes aren't your thing - it's not compulsory!)
7.30 pm - midnight
Saturday afterparty
the Stormy Mondays
Silent disco (featuring Disco, Funk, Northern Soul, Big Cheese, 80s classics and Blues) til 3am
Including a live Blues set directly to your headphones.
Non-drivers: a sign up sheet for getting lifts to the late night venue is on the front desk at the Saturday night party at Storey's FIeld.
Drivers: Park for free in the Newmarket Road Park and Ride and walk through to the Centre on the footpath by the roundabout at the car park entrace (see our map). Don't park in Marleigh as the late night noise may cause complaints.
12:30 am - 3 am
Sunday Tea Dance
Bakers: we need you! Bring a cake! If you can make a note of the ingredients to put beside it for people with allergies, that'd be great.
Noon to 4 pm
Sunday Pub and Dancing
We'll have a corner of the pub. The pub serves food.
We'll clear a small dancing space, if you've got any energy left! Balboa and shag are popular choices.
4 pm til the pubs chuck out